According to Forbes, seven out of every ten digital transformation processes ultimately fail. Those failures, rather than giving digital transformation a bad name, should be used to better understand how to get the process right.
Since it’s now all but essential as part any strategy to future-proof your business – 67% of CEOs expect to have to change their business models due to digital transformation – it must be implemented carefully if it’s not to become just an expensive white elephant.
While there are some clear differences in expectation and perceived impact across different industries, there are some key strategic considerations for successful digital transformation in any sector:
A clear vision
Ask yourself the fundamental questions before you start. Why are you doing it? What do you want to achieve, and how will it change your agency’s offering? Having the answers to these questions from the outset will make the process a much easier sell to your department heads. Lay out what’s going to change, why, and what the benefits are from the start, and you’ll get a much firmer grip on change resistance early on. And there are clear benefits, apart from keeping your agency up to date: cost savings of as much as 90% have been reported after digitising information-intensive processes.
But it’s important to lay out the challenges your agency faces. Don’t pretend that digital transformation will be absolutely seamless. There are always going to be some challenges. If everybody at every level of the agency is engaged from the start, and the way forward is defined clearly, employees are more likely to play an active part in providing solutions to snagging.
Build a tech culture across the company
Empowered employees challenge the old ways of thinking and working, and can provide valuable data and feedback on the process. By also ensuring any new employees coming in are pro technology, open to learning new techs as they come online and immersed in the mindset already, you’ll build a strong tech culture across the company. If you’re the cutting-edge agency in town, tech-savvy applicants are going to start coming to you first.
Take the time to choose the right tech
At first glance, there’s a bewildering array of options out there. So diligent research and assessment of the technology and providers is obviously essential. Keep in mind that no solution should just be wedged in and your agency’s processes then tailored to fit. If the solution doesn’t fulfil the vision you’ve laid out and answer an identified need, it’s useless.
It’s an ongoing process
Don’t assume it’s all over as soon as digital transformation is ‘done’. Implementation marks the start of another journey. Measure the key outcomes continuously and adjust where the solution isn’t providing the results you envisioned. Digital transformation has to be viewed as a process of lifelong learning for you and all employees. The tech isn’t going to stand still once your solution is in place, and nor can your company once the transition is completed. Keep your eyes open for new tech developments – you can be sure your competitors are.
Choose the right partner
One way to move your agency forward is to partner with a company that already has the solution up and running. Choose a partner who can reduce your creative production costs and fit seamlessly into your agency, reducing the burden of having less time while you transition and learn new systems, and working alongside you once the transformation is completed.
Offshoring, redefined and evolved by We Are Amnet, has led to the creation of Smartshoring®. It’s the effective use of the best talent wherever they may be, with in-client country services, tailored to suit your agency’s specific needs.
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