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Have you ever wondered what a Sr. Account Manager does? This month’s Employee with Enerji is Irina Constandoglo, who is the Sr. Account Manager for We Are Amnet, The Americas. Irina acts as the in-country point of contact between our customers in The Americas and our studio in India. She also ensures that all of our clients’ work stays true to their brand.

Introducing Irina Constandoglo: A Spotlight on Our Team

To learn more about Irina on a personal level, we thought we’d play “This or That (And Why)?”

1) Dogs or cats? Cats – I love how smart, independent and (sometimes) mischievous they are.

2) Movies or books? Movies because I love sharing the experience with other people, and they are fun!

3) Tropical paradise or snowed-in solitude? I love both, but right now would definitely be down for some tropical paradise to escape the cold weather.

4) City or country? City life for me. I love the energy, the culture, the people, and the food that big cities have. There is never a dull moment. 

5) What’s one fact about yourself that would surprise people? I’ve been a vegetarian for 16 years! 

6) What is your favorite part about your job at We Are Amnet? The people. We have great clients and partners that make work fun, and an awesome team of experts and industry veterans to learn from. 

Kelsey Barcomb

Author Kelsey Barcomb

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