As we continue to adhere to the norms regarding social distancing, here is something that reminds us of its value.
Hold the Line… says Prof. Jonathan Smith, lecturer in epidemiology at Yale University. “People may start to think that social distancing measures are not working. They are. They may feel futile. They aren’t. You will feel discouraged. This is normal in chaos. This is the normal epidemic trajectory. Stay calm. The enemy we are facing is very good at what it does; we are not failing. We need everyone to hold the line.”
I am reminded that the brightest days come after the darkest nights. So hold on, prepare, build the arsenal, dawn is coming.
Watch us Work it!
I continue to share with you glimpses of what we’ve been at.
Our national leadership had called for a nation-wide voluntary power shutdown for a few minutes last Sunday. As a proactive measure, we asked all those working on desktops to switch off the machine half an hour before and after the shut down so that the power supply settles down.
In the last update, I had mentioned the team member who didn’t have a proper connector to connect to his Mac monitor, and that we were unable to find a replacement for him due to the lock-down…well, we still haven’t! He has been taken off live projects!
Likewise, there are a few members who cannot be utilized under the WFH scenario because of operational issues. We have encouraged them to join online courses (paid/ free) so that the time is effectively utilized. Building the arsenal so as to speak!
On a slightly visual note, I welcome you to take a glimpse of how Amnet is connecting within and trying to bring certainty to you! Please enjoy this little clipping we’ve made just for you.
“It is not our connectivity, but our connectedness that connects us.’
Have a superb week ahead and please stay at home and safe!
Aashish Agarwaal
Founder and Managing Director